Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wanted: The Insane (or: Theatre in the Round)

For some time now, I have been a bit obsessed with the idea of Shakespeare in the round.

OK, so perhaps this is madness: but wait!

How amazing would it be for (maybe Japanese?) versions of Shakespeare to be peformed at strategic points around the Yamanote Line?

No, really.

The original plays were intended to be performed in the round - i.e. with a surrounding audience at fairly close quarters - and while I suppose full five-act plays would be a bit much, it would be quite a thing to travel around a small area enacting key scenes from a play.

And let's not limit ourselves to the traditional - perhaps if Japanese versions are to be used the language could also be updated a bit, the costumes made somewhat manga-esque.

The question, of course, is which plays, and where.

Ah, now there's where the discussion becomes interesting!

For Harajuku, I propose The Merry Wives of Windsor - the madcap antics, the crossed communications, the costumes and infidelities. How could this be anything but a reflection of this crazy area?

At Hamamatsucho? What else but Richard III at the foot of Tokyo's iconic tower? Mind, depending on the timing, perhaps Romeo and Juliette - after all, the place used to be a big date spot.

Parts of Othello could perhaps be performed at Mejiro and Meguro (eye-white and eye-black respectively when translated to English)

At Akihabara: A Midsummernight's Dream?

Naturally, it's unlikely that I will ever have the will (or the courage) to actually organize such a thing, but if there are any theatre enthusiasts in Tokyo, get cracking!


Unknown said...

This could be something that'll change the world.if you know what I mean,you ought to implement this before someone reads it here and does it and takes credit for it ... this is brilliant,you should take the next step...just my opinion though :) take care.

KLW said...

Hah! I'd love to Seema, but sadly this is a project that requires someone with both enthusiasm and confidence to see it through - to say nothing of the talent! If anyone jas what it takes they're welcome to the idea, and I'll cheer them on!